What to do in Stomach Aches(2024): Causes, Treatments, and Handling RajatsAyurveda

What to do in Stomach Aches(2024): Causes, Treatments, and Handling

What to do in Stomach Aches: Stomach ache is a common ailment that affects people of all ages. In India, where a diverse array of dietary customs and lifestyle choices are prevalent, there exist several causes for the occurrence of stomach pain. This page’s goals are to look at the most common causes of stomach pain, offer solutions, and compile a list of the best English and Ayurvedic drugs. We will furthermore provide the contact details for three trustworthy websites featuring Indian doctors.

What to do in Stomach Aches

What to do in Stomach Aches: yspepsia, or indigestion, can be caused by stress, overindulging in food, consuming hot or fatty foods, or digestive problems.
Symptoms include nausea, heartburn, bloating, and upper abdominal discomfort.

  1. GastritisCause: Extended use of NSAIDs, excessive alcohol consumption, or an infection (often H. pylori) that results in inflammation of the stomach lining.

Symptoms: stomach burning, vomiting, and nausea.

  1. Urexia PepticaReason: Extended use of NSAIDs or stomach lining erosion caused by H. pylori infection. Symptoms include burning in the stomach, bloating, and sensitivity to high-fat foods.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. * Reaction:* Stomach acid re-entering the esophagus, causing irritation to the lining. -** The symptoms include heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and soreness in the chest.
  3. irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS – Cause: A problem with the way the large intestine functions that is often triggered by stress, specific foods, or changes in hormone levels.
    Among the symptoms include bloating, cramps, stomach pain, and changes in bowel patterns.
  4. Food PoisoningSymptoms: Severe stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever – Cause: Consuming tainted food or liquid.

What to do in Stomach Aches- Appendicitis is the eighth ailment. The inflammation of the appendix, a small pouch attached to the large intestine, is the root cause of it Fever, nausea, and an unexpected, excruciating lower right abdominal ache are among the symptoms.

  1. GallstonesFurther aggravation: Firm gallbladder deposits. – *Vomiting, nausea, and excruciating upper right abdomen pain are among the symptoms.
  2. ConstipationCause: Trouble passing stool and frequent bowel movements.
  • Symptoms: Discomfort in the abdomen, bloating, and a sense of insufficient evacuation.

Solutions and Treatments

Lifestyle and Dietary Changes

  1. Healthy Eating Habits: Eat smaller, more frequent meals to prevent overindulging.
    Eat less spicy, fatty, and oily food.
    Incorporate foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to enhance digestion.
  • To keep hydrated, sip lots of water.
  1. Stress Management – Take part in breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and other relaxing techniques.
    Make sure you get adequate sleep and take breaks to avoid stress.
  2. Regular Exercise – Engage in regular physical exercise, such as walking, jogging, or cycling, to improve digestion and reduce stress.
  3. Avoid Trigger items – Identify and avoid foods and beverages that make you queasy, such as coffee, alcohol, and processed foods.

Medical Treatments

  1. Script-free prescription drugs
  • Antacids to relieve heartburn and lower stomach acid (such as Digene and Gelusil).
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), such as Omeprazole and Pantoprazole, which reduce the production of stomach acid.
  • H2 blockers to reduce the production of acid, such as famotidine and ranitidine.
  1. Prescription Drugs: Antibiotics are used to treat H. pylori infections.
    For severe GERD or ulcers, H2 blockers or prescription-strength PPIs are recommended.
  • Prokinetics, such metoclopramide, to enhance stomach emptying.
  1. Surgical Procedures: The treatment for appendicitis is an appendectomy.
  • Cholecystectomy for gallstones.

Ayurvedic Remedies

What to do in Stomach Aches: Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicinal system, offers home remedies for stomach discomfort.

Ginger: Uses: Reduces inflammation, nausea, and indigestion; Method: Chew raw ginger or sip ginger tea.

  1. Ajwain, Caramom SeedsUses: Alleviates acid reflux and bloating.
    Hints: Mix with water and drink after meals.
  2. Triphala – Uses: Facilitates improved digestion and relieves constipation ; Method: Take a glass of warm water and a spoonful of powdered Triphala just before bed.
  3. Aloe Vera: Uses: Soothes the stomach lining and reduces inflammation; Method: Drink aloe vera juice.
  4. Fennel SeedsMethod: Chew the seeds or brew the tea. – Applies: enhances digestion and lessens bloating.

Recommended English Medicines

What to do in Stomach Aches:

  1. GelusilUse: Antacid to promptly treat heartburn and acid reflux.
  • Amount: Follow the instructions on the package or a doctor’s advice.
  1. OmeprazoleUse: PPI to reduce stomach acid in order to treat GERD or ulcers.
  • Amount: usually taken just before meals, once a day.
  1. MetoclopramideDosage: Adhere to your doctor’s instructions. -** Prokinetic agent to enhance gastric emptying should be used.

Recommended Ayurvedic Medicines

What to do in Stomach Aches:

  1. Patanjali Amla JuiceUse: Helps with digestion and balances acidity.
  • Amount: Take 20–30 ml with water before meals.
  1. Himalaya Triphala Tablets: Use: Helps ease constipation and improve digestion.
  • Amount: Take one or two tablets with a glass of warm water before bed.
  1. Dabur Hingwashtak ChurnaUse: Reduces indigestion, gas, and bloating.
  • Dosage: Take 1-2 grams with warm water after meals.

Reputable Doctor Websites in India

  1. Practo
  • Website: Practo
  • Contact: +91 88804 44444
  • Description: Practo connects you with qualified doctors and offers online consultations.
  1. 1mg
  • Website: 1mg
  • Contact: +91 99585 85133
  • Description: 1mg provides access to medical professionals and offers a variety of health services.
  1. DocOnline
  • Website: DocOnline
  • Contact: +91 91009 91009
  • Description: DocOnline offers teleconsultations with experienced doctors and healthcare professionals.


What to do in Stomach Aches: While stomach pain can be rather distressing, understanding its causes and treatments can significantly improve one’s quality of life. Ayurvedic remedies, proper medical attention, and healthy lifestyle improvements can all help people effectively manage and minimize stomach discomfort. See reputable medical websites like DocOnline, 1mg, and Practo for professional medical advice and direction.

Note: This material is intended just as information and should not be used in place of professional medical advice. For a clear diagnosis and available treatments, always consult a medical practitioner.

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